Warmlite Adventure Blog

Discover tips and tricks for outdoor adventures and staying safe

3-Season Tent versus 4-Season Tent: What is the Difference?

We see 3-season tent and 4-season tent being used to describe different types of tents. But what do these terms mean? How do we know what type of tent we will need in order to camp? Which tent will last us the longest? Let's find out.
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The 10 Essentials

The 10 Essentials are not only important, but they are the foundation of every trip into the wilderness. Hiking, camping, backpacking, kayaking, fishing, hunting, you name it. If you are venturing away from civilization these are the 10 things you need to have every time you go.
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How to Pick a Tent

 Picking a tent to use is not as simple as going to the store and picking anything off the shelf. There is a lot to consider not only for your current trip, but for future camping trips and expeditions as well. Here is a check list for how to pick a tent.
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5 Hiking Skills You MUST Know

We have all seen the pictures on Pinterest and Instagram of those beautiful campsites and breathtaking views and think, I wish I was there. It's an intoxicating visual as we imagine what it must feel like to stand where they are. Imagining the views all around us, the wind on our face, the sun on our skin, clouds speeding by above. But before we get there we need to know how to stay safe. Any trip that has the potential for beauty also has the potential for danger. We can choose to go on any hike we want. But it is important to do some research in advance to make sure we come back with stories of the sights we saw and not of how we almost died. Without further ado, here are the 5 hiking skills you must know before you hit the trails.
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Spring Hiking & Camping Essentials

We are a few weeks into spring here in the Northern Hemisphere and everyone is dusting off their hiking and camping gear, ready to hit the trails and discover new sights. But before we head out, we need to do some housekeeping to make sure we are actually ready to go for a spring hiking or camping trip. Now, let's get to those camping and hiking essentials.
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3 Essentials for Extreme Cold Expeditions and Camping

You versus nature in the most primal way. You versus the cold. If this gets you excited for another adventure and you’re ready to head out the door let me stop you for just a minute. What do you need to not only survive this expedition, but to thrive in it? Believe it or not there are others like you that have tested it and found that some gear makes these conditions bearable. Here are the three essentials you need to tackle this winter beauty and still come back in one thawed piece.
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Warmlite tent set up on a mountain


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