Warmlite 3R Tent Review by R. Lyon

August 4, 2013

The 3R is tough as well. I’ve yet to use a ground cloth, even on the car camping trip, and the most recent service trip required camping in a meadow filled with rocks, briars, and nettles. Stephenson’s silnylon came through without even a scratch. That trip also included three spells of serious wind that managed to collapse almost all of the other tents in camp. The only problem I had was a brief loss of one tent peg, and upon examination it was clear that a badly dented and misshapen peg or the owner’s careless pitch, not the tent, was to blame. As the peg had anchored a guy at one end, that portion of the tent had sagged almost to the floor. A quick (and this time careful) re-staking took care of the problem. The next morning, strictly as a precautionary measure, I removed all four guy stakes, folded the front sections down over the tent, and weighted each corner with a rock. Returning to camp after work I re-pitched the guys, an operation that lasted two minutes at most.  I’ve not had the pleasure of weathering a heavy rainstorm inside the 3R. Neither snow flurries nor heavy dew penetrated the fabric at the single- or double-wall portion, and a water spill inside the tent beaded and then puddled up quickly. Based on this any my experience with the 2R I’m not concerned with this tent’s ability to keep out the elements.  [Read full article here]


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