Pick Your Own Adventure Weekend

June 25, 2021

Pick Your Own Adventure Weekend

By Jessica Marie 

Welcome summer! In the northern hemisphere we are in the first week of summer and boy are we excited! The temperatures are warm but it isn’t the hottest days of summer yet, so we can still enjoy being outside. This weeks’ blog post is a bit of fun, a break from the more serious content of the past two weeks. With everyone ready to plunge into the summer fun, I thought I would compile a list of fun outdoor activities. Looking for something fun to do but can’t think of anything? In this list we have some ideas for you to pick your own adventure for this coming weekend.

  • Tubing
  • Kayaking or Canoeing Day or Weekend Trip (take all your gear on your kayak and make your way down the river or lake for a weekend)
  • Horseback Riding Trip
  • Backpacking
  • Skydiving
  • Camping (if you have only been in a camper, try a tent!)
  • ATV or OHV Trip (camp and make day runs or move camp each day)
  • Hiking
  • Climbing (make camp when you get to the top)
  • Bird Watching
  • Fishing
  • Star Gazing (have you ever seen the ISS pass over? I have!)
  • Scuba Diving or Snorkeling (Never been? Take lessons!)
  • Trail Maintenance (join a volunteer trail maintenance team)
  • Pick Up Trash (on the trail or at the beach)
  • Metal Detecting (never know what you might find)
  • Sunbathing or go to the beach
  • Boating
  • Visit a National Park
  • Visit a new town
  • Mini Road Trip
  • Photography (try out your hand at taking a great shot)
  • Target, Skeet, Trap Shooting
  • Spelunking (guided of course)
  • Archery

I hope these gave you some fun ideas and inspiration for what to do this weekend! Sometimes we forget old hobbies or need a push to try something new. Take this list as an opportunity to try your hand at a new hobby or skill. An opportunity to pick your own adventure. Gather a group together and try something new. Or if you have only ever done day trips or short-term activities, try making a weekend out of them. Going farther than you have in the past. Have fun, stay safe, and be sure to tell us your stories when you get back!


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