2 Person Tent Review

November 8, 2019

"I have owned the 2 person Warmlite tent for about 5 years now. Used it consistently on a weekly basis on my climb, and ski/snowboard backcountry trips with quite a bit of abuse. At this point, it even replaced my lightweight backpacking 3 season too tent due to its lightweight unlike other 4 season tents as I don’t have use for multiple tents. Where it really stands out is on the glaciers in the PNW on my winter adventures and I am really happy with it. I had a chance to tested out in a 60 mph winds on some of the Cascade volcanos multiple times over the years and felt comfortable those nights. Pretty sure it can take more, but I am not going out there to try that out. Only other thing to consider is that it’s not a free-standing tent, but I never had issues using a ski pole, ice ax, random rocks, or big pieces of snow and ice to set it up in a couple of minutes. Don’t think I would go anywhere else as the tunnel design works great in storms and it’s spacious enough for 2 bigger guys with 2 full backpacks without any issues and plenty of space."  *Small edits have been made for spelling errors and readability.  Link to Original Review: https://www.google.com/search?q=warmlite&oq=&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x876ecd6c810025a7:0xca6d1f490bbad93e,1,,,


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